The name of the organization shall be MISSISSIPPI EDUCATIONAL COMPUTING ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED, hereafter referred to as MECA.
The purpose of MECA shall be to provide for the sharing and exchanging of ideas, techniques, materials, and procedures for all persons interested in computers in education including instructional applications, administrative applications, and computer science education.
The purposes for which the MISSISSIPPI EDUCATIONAL COMPUTING ASSOCIATION (MECA) is organized are exclusively charitable and educational within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal Income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.
In the event of dissolution, the residual assets of the organization will be turned over to one or more organizations which themselves are as organizations described in sections 501 (c) (3) and 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or corresponding sections of any prior or future Internal Revenue Code, or to the Federal, State, or local government for exclusive public purposes.
A. Individual membership is open to:
1. All public and private educators
a. K-12 faculty and administrator
b. Post-secondary faculty and administrators
c. Other professional educators
2. Computer science professionals
3. Business community
4. Graduate and undergraduate students
5. Secondary students
B. Procedures for application for membership shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
C. Term of membership shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
The officers of MECA shall consist of President, President-elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and Contest Committee Chair. The term of office shall be from one annual meeting to the subsequent annual meeting with the President-elect automatically succeeding to the Presidency.
The President shall:
Call and preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and preside at all meetings of MECA. Appoint chairpersons of committees and be an ex-officio member of said committees. Represent MECA in matters of importance to MECA. Authorize expenditures of MECA in keeping with the actions of the Executive Committee and its budget.
The President-elect shall:
Serve for the President when the President is unable to do so, and preside at official meeting of MECA in the absence of the President. He/she automatically shall assume the office of President upon resignation of the President. He/she shall complete the term of office of the resigned President and shall then serve the full year to which he/she was elected. Be responsible for aiding in the development of the MECA program. Be an ex-officio member of committees. Chair the annual conference.
The Past President shall:
Serve as President-elect in case of the President-elect’s inability to serve until a new President-elect can be elected by the membership. Provide advice and assistance to officers and serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
The Secretary shall:
Keep record of the meetings of the Executive Committee of MECA and see that actions requiring communication with members, other individuals, or groups are carried out as required. Receive the report of the Executive Committee and see that it is sent to the membership in accordance with the stipulations in Article VI, Elections. Be an ex-officio member of committees.
The Treasurer shall:
Establish the account(s) of MECA, as approved by the Executive Committee. Establish procedures for the depositing of funds and the maintenance of association properties. Receive and disperse all funds of the association as authorized by the Executive Committee. Maintain a record of all financial transactions and report as requested to the Executive Committee and annually to the MECA membership at the annual meeting. Be an ex-officio member of committees.
The Contest Committee Chair shall:
Oversee and establish the guidelines for all contests. Secure appropriate prizes, plaques, monetary awards for all contest winners. Work with each committee to assure the timeliness of contest submissions. Assist each contest chair with securing judges for each contest. Shall serve a two-year term, training a member of the contest committee to assume responsibility at the conclusion of this two-year term.
The Executive Committee of MECA shall be composed of the officers and six directors elected by the membership. The initial nomination shall be three directors for a one-year term and three directors for a two-year term. Subsequent nominations will be three directors for two-year terms. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to manage the affairs of MECA, including but not limited to: approving expenditures of funds of MECA, establishing classes of membership and annual dues for each class, approving or disapproving the President’s recommendations for appointment of committee chairpersons, and filling vacancies which may occur on the Executive Committee. Officers and directors shall receive no remuneration for serving in such capacities, but this shall not be construed to mean that they may not be reimbursed for expenses incurred in connection with their duties. A quorum of meeting of the Executive Committee will consist of five members of the Executive Committee. All Executive Committee members must be notified electronically at least one week prior to all meetings. Meetings are open to the general membership. An Executive Committee member may be replaced after having been absent from three consecutive regularly scheduled Executive Committee meetings. The Executive Committee must review, publish, and present all constitutional changes. The Executive Committee shall have authority to appoint appropriate liaisons to the executive committee (i.e., State Department Representatives). The Executive Committee shall at its discretion employ an Executive Director.
A Nominating Committee chaired by the Past-President and consisting of no more than four additional members shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee shall submit to the Executive Committee the names of the qualified candidate(s) for each office and board. The membership shall be notified of the report of the Nominating Committee through the electronic newsletter preceding the annual meeting. Additional names may be placed in candidacy by electronic communication (e-mail) to the Executive Committee, provided that at least three members of MECA sign such communication and that person has agreed to serve if elected, and that such communication is received by the Executive Committee not less than twenty-one days prior to the annual meeting. If there have been additions to the list of candidates as submitted by the Nominating Committee, the membership shall be notified of the revised list of candidates at the registration of the annual meeting. Election shall be held at the annual meeting. Candidates for board position will be elected by plurality. Newly elected officials will be installed prior to the
conclusion of the annual meeting.
Executive Director – The duties of the Executive Director shall include, but not be limited to: serve as MECA co-chair with president-elect; work with the MDE to coordinate the MECA conference with the EdTech trade show if/when the trade show is held subsequent to the dates of the annual conference, maintain membership database and receive dues deposit and receipt all funds into MECA’s account, work with the Executive Committee to promote membership growth, work with the Executive Committee to develop and implement new programs and activities.
The annual meeting will be held for the purpose of electing and installing officers and members of the Executive Committee, conducting such business as may properly come before MECA, and presenting a program of professional interest to the members.
The standing committees of MECA shall be: Executive Committee; Conference Planning Committee; Constitution and By-laws Committee. The Executive Committee shall assign responsibilities to the standing committees. The President shall have the authority to set up temporary committees as are needed. The committee chairperson shall have the authority to appoint committee members. A list of committee members shall be published in the MECA newsletter.
The latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order will govern MECA in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the by-laws or the special rule of order of MECA.
This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of members attending the annual meeting, provided that notice of the proposed changes has been sent to the membership list via electronic communication prior to the meeting.
The act of dissolution of MECA shall be considered an amendment to this constitution, and can be enacted only by the procedures specified herein for adoption on an amendment, except as prescribed below. A declaration of insolvency, adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Executive Committee, shall constitute dissolution three months thereafter unless challenged and successfully overruled by a majority of voting membership. Notification of the insolvency statement must be given to the entire membership at least two months prior to the dissolution. Failure to elect officers for two years running, due either to lack of quorum at general meetings at which nominations are to be made or to an inability to attract anyone willing to serve, shall automatically constitute dissolutionment. Failure to elect officers in a given year shall not in itself constitute dissolutionment, unless it occurs two years running. Instead, the organization shall be declared to be in a state of limbo and the current President shall appoint an Interim Executive Committee. The Interim Executive Committee shall elect its own chairman who will serve also as an acting President of the organization. The authority of this Interim
Executive Committee shall be strictly limited to:
a. Initiating a dissolution procedure
b. Scheduling and planning general meetings for the purpose of resurrecting the organization and nominating officers
c. Conducting elections by the membership
Upon dissolution, the financial assets and material assets convertible to financial assets shall be disbursed by a prior designated fiscal agent as a charitable donation to be contributed to a nonprofit organization or government organization designated by the Executive Committee. Upon dissolution, non-convertible material assets shall be contributed to organizations exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
This Constitution will be initiated after a majority approval at an annual meeting.